=============================================================================== C&C Ultimate Map Editor v1.4b - 3 January 1996 Programming: Richard Heesbeen Ripping/Manual: Jeroen Ritmeijer =============================================================================== Her it is, finally, a present to all you C&C lovers out there, and a great present it is, almost perfect, as far as we know it's the best out there. We have included a few home made MAPS (multiplayer), one is an altered version of LOST ARENA, the other (TOTALWAR) is created from scratch. INSTALL ======= Copy all the files included in the zip file to a new directory, then copy the "TEMPERAT.MIX" and "WINTER.MIX" files (from the CD-ROM) to that same directory. DO NOT RUN THE PROGRAM YET!!! EXTRACTING A MAP ================ If you want to edit an existing map, you first have to extract it from the "GENERAL.MIX" file using Vladan Bato's excellent MIXMANAGER (available from your favorite C&C website). You have to extract both the .INI file and the .MAP file. (TEMPERAT (forrest) and WINTER scenarios only, desert scenarios crash the program). Havinbg completed that, you end up with two files (xxxxx.map & xxxxx.ini). You can now run the editor with the name of the map on the command line. e.g. C:\MAPEDIT>CCMAP TOTALWAR <----- no file extension For more information on extracting maps, read the documentation included in the MIXMANAGER distribution. OPERATION ========= Controlling the program is simple: - use the cursor keys to scroll around the screen. - use the F1 key to display a radar. - click on the radar to jump to the selected section on the map. - touching the edges of the screen with the mouse arrow will also scroll you through the map. - use the + key to toggle between zoom-in & zoom-out mode - click the up and down button to scroll through the list of available tiles - the page up & down keys have the same function as clicking on the arrows on screen. - switch terrain mode by clicking on "MAP-TILES", "TERRAIN-TILES" etc... - click the "erase area" button if you want to reset an area: - In the MAP-TILES mode the background resets to grass. - In TERRAIN-TILES and other modes you erase only the selected layer. - click the save button to save (surprise), if you want to use the newly created files place them back in the "GENERAL.MIX" using the MIXMANAGER. - the ESCape key will terminate the program. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS =================== In a future release we would like to be able to: - edit the GENERAL.MIX file directly (not very likely) - a proper manual (not very likely) - edit desert scenarios - figure out, - provide better performance on 486's with slow VGA cards. - play C&C 2 :-) SUGGESTIONS & BUG REPORTS ========================= Please send Suggestions and bugs to jarit@xs4all.nl or to Richard@codim.nl. If you live in The Netherlands please let us know so we can play over the modem. DO NOT SEND QUESTIONS ABOUT PUTTING CD FILES ON YOUR HARDDISK AND SUCH. PLEASE ASK SOMEONE ELSE. MANY THANKS GO TO ================= Andrew Griffin: Mix file info. Vladan Bato : Mix file info and data lists. If you like this program you MUST send e-mail :-)